Maroochydore Wednesdays - Winter 24

Mixed A/B

  • Position assignment between Average Hoes, Average Pro's, Recharge, Coastal Connections, Grass Stains, Dirty Birds, Crash Test Dummies and The Mighty Rucks decided via points
Average Hoes7610005112391236
  • Average Hoes vs Crash Test Dummies, 29/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Average Hoes vs Grass Stains, 12/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Average Hoes vs Recharge, 19/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Average Hoes vs Coastal Connections, 24/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Dirty Birds vs Average Hoes, 31/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Average Hoes vs The Mighty Rucks, 07/08/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between Average Hoes, Average Pro's, Recharge, Coastal Connections, Grass Stains, Dirty Birds, Crash Test Dummies and The Mighty Rucks decided via points
Average Pro's75110034277931
  • Average Hoes vs Average Pro's, 22/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Dirty Birds vs Average Pro's, 29/05/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Average Pro's vs Recharge, 12/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Average Pro's vs Grass Stains, 19/06/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Average Pro's vs The Mighty Rucks, 24/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Average Pro's vs Coastal Connections, 31/07/2024 6:15PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Average Pro's vs Crash Test Dummies, 07/08/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Position assignment between Average Hoes, Average Pro's, Recharge, Coastal Connections, Grass Stains, Dirty Birds, Crash Test Dummies and The Mighty Rucks decided via points
  • Coastal Connections vs Recharge, 22/05/2024 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Grass Stains vs Recharge, 29/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Average Pro's vs Recharge, 12/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Crash Test Dummies vs Recharge, 24/07/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Recharge vs The Mighty Rucks, 31/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Dirty Birds vs Recharge, 07/08/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Position assignment between Average Hoes, Average Pro's, Recharge, Coastal Connections, Grass Stains, Dirty Birds, Crash Test Dummies and The Mighty Rucks decided via points
Coastal Connections7322003235-3622
  • Coastal Connections vs Recharge, 22/05/2024 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Coastal Connections vs The Mighty Rucks, 29/05/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Dirty Birds vs Coastal Connections, 12/06/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Crash Test Dummies vs Coastal Connections, 19/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Average Hoes vs Coastal Connections, 24/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Average Pro's vs Coastal Connections, 31/07/2024 6:15PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Position assignment between Average Hoes, Average Pro's, Recharge, Coastal Connections, Grass Stains, Dirty Birds, Crash Test Dummies and The Mighty Rucks decided via points
Grass Stains7331002532-7317
  • Grass Stains vs Recharge, 29/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 2 points for Draw
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Dirty Birds vs Grass Stains, 24/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Crash Test Dummies vs Grass Stains, 31/07/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Coastal Connections vs Grass Stains, 07/08/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between Average Hoes, Average Pro's, Recharge, Coastal Connections, Grass Stains, Dirty Birds, Crash Test Dummies and The Mighty Rucks decided via points
Dirty Birds7250002343-20412
  • Dirty Birds vs Crash Test Dummies, 22/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Dirty Birds vs Coastal Connections, 12/06/2024 6:15PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Dirty Birds vs The Mighty Rucks, 19/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Position assignment between Average Hoes, Average Pro's, Recharge, Coastal Connections, Grass Stains, Dirty Birds, Crash Test Dummies and The Mighty Rucks decided via points
Crash Test Dummies7160002241-19610
  • Dirty Birds vs Crash Test Dummies, 22/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Crash Test Dummies vs The Mighty Rucks, 12/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Crash Test Dummies vs Coastal Connections, 19/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Crash Test Dummies vs Recharge, 24/07/2024 6:15PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Average Pro's vs Crash Test Dummies, 07/08/2024 6:15PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Position assignment between Average Hoes, Average Pro's, Recharge, Coastal Connections, Grass Stains, Dirty Birds, Crash Test Dummies and The Mighty Rucks decided via points
The Mighty Rucks7160002140-1959
  • Grass Stains vs The Mighty Rucks, 22/05/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Crash Test Dummies vs The Mighty Rucks, 12/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Dirty Birds vs The Mighty Rucks, 19/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for losing by 1)
  • Average Pro's vs The Mighty Rucks, 24/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Recharge vs The Mighty Rucks, 31/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)

Mixed C/D

  • Position assignment between Crash Test Crew, Sweet Az, Maroochy Nine-Nine, Century 21 Misfits, Breakaways, Touch Tiddies, Nuts & Jugs and Bye decided via points
Crash Test Crew770000421230735
  • Century 21 Misfits vs Crash Test Crew, 22/05/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Breakaways vs Crash Test Crew, 29/05/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
  • Crash Test Crew vs Sweet Az, 12/06/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Crash Test Crew vs Bye, 19/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Crash Test Crew vs Touch Tiddies, 24/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Crash Test Crew vs Nuts & Jugs, 31/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Crash Test Crew vs Maroochy Nine-Nine, 07/08/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between Crash Test Crew, Sweet Az, Maroochy Nine-Nine, Century 21 Misfits, Breakaways, Touch Tiddies, Nuts & Jugs and Bye decided via points
Sweet Az76100047938832
  • Nuts & Jugs vs Sweet Az, 22/05/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Bye vs Sweet Az, 29/05/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Crash Test Crew vs Sweet Az, 12/06/2024 6:15PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Century 21 Misfits vs Sweet Az, 19/06/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Maroochy Nine-Nine vs Sweet Az, 24/07/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Sweet Az vs Touch Tiddies, 31/07/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Breakaways vs Sweet Az, 07/08/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between Crash Test Crew, Sweet Az, Maroochy Nine-Nine, Century 21 Misfits, Breakaways, Touch Tiddies, Nuts & Jugs and Bye decided via points
Maroochy Nine-Nine743000432914723
  • Breakaways vs Maroochy Nine-Nine, 22/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Century 21 Misfits vs Maroochy Nine-Nine, 29/05/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Maroochy Nine-Nine vs Touch Tiddies, 12/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Maroochy Nine-Nine vs Nuts & Jugs, 19/06/2024 6:15PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 2 bonus points (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Maroochy Nine-Nine vs Bye, 31/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Position assignment between Crash Test Crew, Sweet Az, Maroochy Nine-Nine, Century 21 Misfits, Breakaways, Touch Tiddies, Nuts & Jugs and Bye decided via points
Century 21 Misfits7331002526-1519
  • Century 21 Misfits vs Bye, 12/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Century 21 Misfits vs Nuts & Jugs, 24/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Breakaways vs Century 21 Misfits, 31/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Century 21 Misfits vs Touch Tiddies, 07/08/2024 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Position assignment between Crash Test Crew, Sweet Az, Maroochy Nine-Nine, Century 21 Misfits, Breakaways, Touch Tiddies, Nuts & Jugs and Bye decided via points
  • Breakaways vs Nuts & Jugs, 12/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Breakaways vs Touch Tiddies, 19/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Breakaways vs Bye, 24/07/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Breakaways vs Century 21 Misfits, 31/07/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Breakaways vs Sweet Az, 07/08/2024 6:15PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Position assignment between Crash Test Crew, Sweet Az, Maroochy Nine-Nine, Century 21 Misfits, Breakaways, Touch Tiddies, Nuts & Jugs and Bye decided via points
Touch Tiddies7331003035-5317
  • Bye vs Touch Tiddies, 22/05/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Nuts & Jugs vs Touch Tiddies, 29/05/2024 7:00PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Maroochy Nine-Nine vs Touch Tiddies, 12/06/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)
  • Century 21 Misfits vs Touch Tiddies, 07/08/2024 7:45PM
    • 2 points for Draw
  • Position assignment between Crash Test Crew, Sweet Az, Maroochy Nine-Nine, Century 21 Misfits, Breakaways, Touch Tiddies, Nuts & Jugs and Bye decided via points
Nuts & Jugs7160001044-3426
  • Breakaways vs Nuts & Jugs, 12/06/2024 7:00PM
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for wearing the same coloured shirts)
  • Nuts & Jugs vs Bye, 07/08/2024 7:45PM
    • 4 points for Win
    • 1 bonus point (1 point for every 5 scored)

ByeStandings withheld - contact arena for more information.